
胡超群研究团队在《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》发表文章


时间:2013-12-30  作者:LMB  来源:文本大小:【 |  | 】  【打印

题目: Pond culture of seaweed Sargassum hemiphyllum in southern China 

作者: Zonghe Yu, Chaoqun Hu*, Hongyan Sun, Haipeng Li, Pengfei Peng 

刊物Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,IF=0.577IV区)

刊号: 2013,31:300-305

摘要: The seaweed Sargassum hemiphyllum is widely distributed throughout the coastal waters of Asia and has high commercial value. In recent years, its natural biomass has declined due to over-exploitation and environmental pollution. To seek for a feasible way to culture this seaweed effi ciently, we designed a simple long-line system in a shrimp pond for the culture during winter, and the growth and nutritional composition of the seaweed were examined. Results show that the culture system was durable and fl exible allowing S . hemiphyllum to grow vertically off the muddy bottom of the pond. Although the length of pondcultured S . hemiphyllum was inhibited by water depth, the weight-specifi c growth rate ((1.65±0.17)%/d) was nearly three times higher than that of wild plants ((0.62±0.19)%/d). The crude protein (6.92%±0.88%) and ash content (21.52%±0.07%) of the pond-cultured seaweed were signifi cantly lower than those of the wild plants (9.38%±0.43% and 26.93%±0.07%, respectively); however, crude fat (1.01%±0.04%) was signifi cantly higher than that of the wild plants (0.87%±0.02%). In addition, the nutritional composition of both pond-cultured and wild S . hemiphyllum was comparable to or even higher than those of other common seaweeds being used as food and/or aquaculture fodder. Future studies shall be focused on the impact of environmental parameters on its growth and nutritional composition. 

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