
广州市珠江科技新星 林强研究员(2011)


时间:2018-02-02  作者:LMB  来源:文本大小:【 |  | 】  【打印



林强博士  研究员 


E-mail: linqiang@scsio.ac.cn




中国科学院南海海洋研究所责任研究员 博士生导师



1. 海洋动物资源种群结构特征与环境适应性;

2. 海洋动物生理、行为特征与基因组的关联分析及其进化探索;

3. 海洋珍稀动物的养殖生态学及其应用研发。



    1. 深度解析海洋生物(海马)的环境适应与进化机制:在国际上率先完成了海马、海龙全基因组计划,Nature封面论文首次揭示了海马竖直游泳雄性育儿的分子特征,为深入探索鱼类演化史提供了重要的科学线索。部分科研成果被NatureScienceFaculty of 1000等作为研究亮点评述,并受邀到加州大学、南密西西比大学做专题讲席报告。

    2. 厘清我国近海海马资源特征:揭示我国近海及南沙岛礁海域海马资源的群体结构、基因流、迁徙与分化特征,发现海马新种1个,新纪录种9个,建立了我国首个海马资源数据库。研究成果被加拿大UBC渔业中心给予重要评价,获得国际同行Vincent(国际CITES轮值主席,国际海马资源保护计划Project Seahorses的发起人)等知名学者的关注和肯定。

  3. 首次实现线纹海马的人工保育与推广:成功实现了线纹海马(Hippocampus erectus)的人工繁育,解决了海马同步性成熟无季节性繁育隔代交配选育等多项关键技术问题,并于2009年将该海马首次引入中国,成为我国目前主要养殖种类(广东省科技成果鉴定名称:美国线纹海马引种驯化、人工繁育及健康养殖关键技术(粤科成等(2)字【20150017))。相关成果被国际CITESBioSyng研究同行给予肯定,部分应用性成果已在国内、外广泛推广。 



2012-    中国科学院南海海洋研究所,中国科学院热带海洋生物资源与生态重点实验室,研究员

2009-2012  中国科学院南海海洋研究所,中国科学院海洋生物资源可持续利用重点实验室,副研究员

2009-2010  佛罗里达理工大学,海洋生物学,研究助理(Research Scientist

2007-2009  佛罗里达理工大学,海洋生物学,博士后(Postdoc-Fellow/vice manager of VBML



2003-2007  中山大学/佛罗里达理工大学,联合培养博士生,博士学位

1999-2003  鲁东大学生命科学学院,学士学位



1. 中科院广州分院优秀青年科学家奖(2016年)

2. 国家863计划青年科学家(2014年)

3. 中国科学院卓越青年科学家(2014年)

4. 国家优秀青年基金获得者(2013年)

5. 中国科学院卢嘉锡青年人才奖(2013年)

6. 中国科学院青年创新促进会优秀会员(2013年)

7. 广东省杰出青年基金获得者(2013年)

8. 2011年度两院(中科院广州分院和广东省科学院)优秀青年科技工作者(2011年)

9. 广州市首批珠江科技新星(2011年)

10. 中国科学院重要方向青年人才(2010年)



1. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 副主编

2. 中国科学院青年联合会委员

3. 世界水产学会(WAS)理事

4. 深圳市海洋生物基因组学重点实验室学术委员会委员

5. 农业部休闲渔业重点实验室学术委员会委员

6. 国家科技部人才评审专家

7. 国家海洋局海洋科技项目评审专家





1.Huixian Zhang, Geng Qin, Jinhui Sun, Bo Zhang & Qiang Lin*. 2018. The evolution and functional characterization of lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) CCKs involved in fasting and thermal stress response. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 255, 56-63



1.Yanhong Zhang, Geng Qin, Huixian Zhang, Xin Wang & Qiang Lin*. 2017. DNA barcoding reflects the diversity and variety of brooding traits of fish species in the family Syngnathidae along China’s coast. Fisheries Research, 185, 137-144.

2.Huixian Zhang, Vydianathan Ravi, Boon Hui Tay, Sumany Tohari, Nisha E Pillai, Aravind Prasad, Qiang Lin, Sydeny Brenner & Byrappa Venkatesh*. 2017. Lampreys, the jawless vertebrates, contain only two ParaHox gene clusters. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114, 9146.

3.Bo Zhang, Yanhong Zhang, Xin Wang, Huixian Zhang & Qiang Lin*. 2017. The mitochondrial genome of a sea anemone Bolocera sp. exhibits novel genetic structures potentially involved in adaptation to the deepsea environment. Ecology & Evolution, 7, 4951.

4.Kai Wang, Kunming Li, Junfeng Shao, Wenjing Hu, Min Li, Wen Yang, Jiteng Tian & Qiang Lin *. 2017. Yeast and corn flour supplement to enhance large-scale culture efficiency of marine copepod tisbe furcata, a potential live food for fish larvae. ISRAELI JOURNAL OF AQUACULTURE-BAMIDGEH, 69.

5.Geng Qin, Yanhong Zhang, Adeljean L. F. C. Ho, Yuan Zhang & Qiang Lin*. 2017. Seasonal distribution of seahorses employing a social reproductive strategy and supporting for a closed fishing season. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 2017, 74(8): 2170–2179

6.Geng Qin, Xin Wang, Shuwen Tan & Qiang Lin*. 2017. A bacterial infection by Vibrio harveyi causing heavy reduction of cultured lined seahorse Hippocampus erectus. Journal of Fish Diseases, 40, 601-605.

7.Qiang Lin, Ying Qiu, Ruobo Gu, Meng Xu, Jia Li, Chao Bian, Huixian Zhang, Geng Qin, Yanhong Zhang, Wwi Luo, Jieming Chen, Xu You, Mingjun Fan, Min Sun, Pao Xu, Byrappa Venkatesh, Junming Xu, Hongtuo Fu & Qiong Shi*. 2017. Draft genome of the lined seahorse, Hippocampus erectus. Gigascience, 6, 1-6.



1.Kai Wang, Yanhong Zhang, Feng Li, Qiang Lin*. Comparison of pathogenic bacteria Vibrio flora in intestinal tracts of the wild and cultured seahorses (Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach). Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2016, 47(1), 792-797.

2.Wei Zhang, Yanhong Zhang, Li Zhang, Qiang Lin*. Bioaccumulation of trace metals in the seahorses along the China’s coast. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2016, 96(3), 281-288.

3.Qiang Lin*, Wei Luo, Shi-Min Wan, Ze-Xia Gao. De novo transcriptome analysis of two seahorse species (Hippocampus erectus and H. mohnikei) and the development of molecular markers for population genetics. PLoS One. 2016, 11(4): e0154096

4.Geng Qin, Yanhong Zhang, Liangmin Huang, Qiang Lin*. Physiological responses to anesthesia disposal in lined seahorse Hippocampus erectus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2016, 47(3): 387-395.

5.Hongyue Qu, Wei Luo, Qiang Lin*. Development of the novel SNP markers in lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) based on transcriptome sequencing. Conservation Genetics Resources. 2016, 8 (1): 1-4. 

6.Wei Luo, Hongyue Qu, Shuaishuai Liu, Qiang Lin*. Development of the polymorphic microsatellite loci for an endangered fish, lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) using next-generation sequencing technology. Conservation Genetics Resources. 2016, 8(1): 42-79

7.Geng Qin, Xin Wang, Shuwen Tan, Qiang Lin*. A bacterial infection by Vibrio harveyi causing heavy reduction of cultured lined seahorse Hippocampus erectus. Journal of Fish Diseases. 2016, doi:10.1111/jfd.12411.

8.张艳红,刘帅帅,王 信,王昌命,林强*. 三斑海马线粒体基因组核苷酸全序列结构与分析. 动物学杂志, 2016. 51(3):413-422.



1. Wei Luo, Hongyue Qu, Jingyi Li, Xin Wang, Qiang Lin*. A novel method for the identification of seahorses (genus Hippocampus) using cross-species amplifiable microsatellites. Fisheries Research. 2015, 172,318-324.

2. Huixian Zhang, Yanhong Zhang, Geng Qin, Qiang Lin*. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the network pipefish (Corythoichthys flavofasciatus), and the analyses of phylogenetic relationships within the Syngnathidae species. Marine Genomics. 2015, 19. 59-64.

3. Xin Wang, Yanhong Zhang, Geng Qin, Wei Luo, Qiang Lin*. A novel pathogenic bacteria (Vibrio fortis) causing the enteritis of cultured seahorses, Hippocampus erectus. Journal of Fish Diseases. 2015, doi:10.1111/jfd.12411

4. Yanhong Zhang, Geng Qin, Junda Lin, Qiang Lin*. Growth, survivorship, air-bubble disease and attachment of the feeble juvenile seahorses Hippocampus kuda Bleeker, 1852. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2015, 46 (3) 293-301.

5. Bo Wang, Yanhong Zhang, Qiang Lin*. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the Barbour’s seahorse Hippocampus barbouri Jordan & Richardson, 1908 (Gasterosteiformes: Syngnathidae). Mitochondrial DNA. 2015, 6 (26) , 851-852.  

6. Huixian Zhang, Yanhong Zhang, Qiang Lin*. Complete mitochondrial genome of the pacific seahorse Hippocampus ingens Girard, 1858 (Gasterosteiformes: Syngnathidae). Mitochondrial DNA. 2015, 5(26), 755-756.  

7. Shuaishuai Liu, Yanhong Zhang, Changming Wang, Qiang Lin*. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the Hippocampus spinosissimus. Mitochondrial DNA, 2015, DOI:10.3109/19401736.  

8. Feng Li, Kai Wang, Liangmin Huang, Qiang Lin*. Comparison of the intestinal bacterial flora in healthy and intestinal-diseased seahorses Hippocampus trimaculatus, H. erectus, and H. spinosissimus. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2015, 46 (3) 263-273.



1.  Geng Qin, Yanhong Zhang, Liangmin Huang, Qiang Lin*. Effects of water current on swimming performance, ventilation frequency, and feeding behavior of young seahorses (Hippocampus erectus). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2014, 461:337–343

2.  Yanhong Zhang, Pham Nancy, Junda Lin, Liangmin Huang, Qiang Lin*. Genetic variations in two seahorse species (Hippocampus mohnikei and Hippocampus trimaculatus): evidence for middle Pleistocene population expansion. PLOS One. 2014,9(8):e105494

 3.  Bo Wang, Yanhong Zhang, Qiang Lin*. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the Barbour’s seahorse Hippocampus barbouri Jordan & Richardson, 1908 (Gasterosteiformes: Syngnathidae). Mitochondrial DNA. 2014, 24409895,1-2

 4.  Xin Wang, Yanhong Zhang, Huixian Zhang, Tan Meng, Qiang Lin*. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the long-snout seahorse Hippocampus reidi Ginsburg, 1933 (Gasterosteiformes:Syngnathidae). Mitochondrial DNA. 2014, 24102600:1-2

 5.  Gang Li1 & Qiang Lin1, Junda Lin, Xingyu Song, Yehui Tan, Liangmin Huang*. Environment-gradients regulate spatial variations of phytoplankton biomass and dominating species in surface water of the Pearl River estuary, during summer and winter periods. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 34, 129-133.  

 6.  Haidong Li, Hushan Sun, Xuefeng Bai, Qiang Lin, Xiaoli Liu, Yiyan Wang, Lei Wang, Dongchun Yan. HC2 of Pseudomonas sp. induced enteritis in Hippocampus japonicas. Aquaculture Research, 2014, 1-4.  



1.Gang Li, Qiang Lin, Pingping Shen, Guangyan Ni, Xingyu Song, Yanzhi Fan, Liangmin Huang, Yehui Tan*, Variations in silicate concentration affect photosynthetic carbon fixation by spring phytoplankton assemblages in surface waters of the Strait of Malacca, Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2013, 32(4): 66-70

2.Yanhong Zhang, Huixian Zhang, Qiang Lin*, Liangmin Huang. 2015. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the lined seahorse Hippocampus erectus Perry, 1810 (Gasterosteiformes: Syngnathidae). Mitochondrial DNA, 2013. 1-3  DOI:10.3109/19401736. 2013.840595



1.  Qiang Lin*, Na Gu, Junda Lin, Liangmin Huang, Lingling Tan. Effects of inorganic carbon concentration on carbon formation, nitrate utilization, biomass and oil accumulation of Nannochloropsis oculata CS 179. Bioresource Technology. 2012,111, 353-359

2.  Qiang Lin*, Na Gu, Junda Lin. Effect of ferric ion on nitrogen consumption, biomass and oil accumulation of a Scenedesmus rubescens-like microalga. Bioresource Technology.2012,112, 242-247

3.  Qiang Lin*, Gang Li, Geng Qin, Na Gu, Hushan Sun, Peiyong Feng, Junda Lin, Liangmin Huang. The dynamics of reproductive rates, offspring survivorship and growth in seahorses, Hippocampus erectus Perry, 1810. Biology Open. 2012, 1(4), 391-396.IF= 2.416

4.  Na Gu, Qiang Lin*, Liangmin Huang, Junda Lin. Effect of salinity on growth and biochemical composition of Nannochloropsis oculata in photo-bioreactor.Engineering in Life Sciences. 2012,12(5), 1-7

5.  Geng Qin, Qiang Lin*, Na Gu, Junda Lin, Liangmin Huang. Effect of broodstock origin, background and substrate color on skin coloration of three-spotted seahorses Hippocampus trimaculatus Leach, 1814. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2012, (416-417):129-134

6.  Na Gu, Qiang Lin*, Gang Li, Geng Qin, Junda Lin, Liangmin Huang. Effect of Salinity Change on Biomass and Biochemical Composition of Nannochloropsis oculata. Journal of The World Aquaculture Society. 2012,43(1): 97-106

7.  Li G, Lin Q, Ni G, Shen P. Fan Y, Huang L, Tan Y.Vertical patterns of early-summer chlorophyll a concentration in the Indian Ocean with special reference to the variation of deep chlorophyll maximum. Journal of Marine Biology. 2012, e801248, doi:10.1155/2012/801248.

8.  Li G, Liu H, Ke Z, Ni G, Lin Qiang, Yin J, Li K, Song X, Shen P, Huang L, 2012. Latitudinal variation (6ºS-20ºN) of early-summer phytoplankton species compositions and size-fractioned productivity from Java Sea to South China Sea. Marine Biology Research. 2012, 8163-171.  

9.  Li, G., Ke, Z., Tan, Y., Lin, Qiang, Ni, G., Shen, P., Liu, H., Yin, J., Li, K., Huang, L., 2012. Longitudinal patterns of spring-intermonsoon phytoplankton biomass, species compositions and size structure in the Bay of Bengal. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. 2012, 31: 121-128.



1. 一种诱导幼体线纹海马体色变化的方法.ZL201110163463.6.林强,黄良民,秦耿.

2. 一种野生海马的驯化养殖方法.ZL201110163471.林强,黄良民,秦耿.

3. 美国线纹海马幼苗的大池仿真养殖技术. ZL201110437260.1.林强,黄良民.

4. 一种利用复层网箱养殖海马的方法. ZL201210242403.8.林强,黄良民.

5. 一种提高线纹海马幼苗养成率的方法.ZL201210121704.5.林强,秦耿,谭烨辉,黄良民.

6. 一种用于鉴别两个海马种群的SSR分子标记方法. ZL201410056237.1.万世明、高泽霞、赵鸿昊、罗伟、林强、张艳红、张辉贤.

7. 一种提高海马同步交配的方法.ZL201410127340.0.林强,秦耿,张艳红,王琼,黄良民.

8. 一种提高雄性海马妊娠保育效率的方法.ZL201410127393.2.林强,秦耿,张艳红,张辉贤.

9. 一种海马养殖池.ZL201520434480.2.王凯,林强,李敏,杨雯,李坤明.

10. 一种海马养成期的优化投喂方法.ZL201310350766.8.林强,秦耿.

11. 一种线纹海马快速生长品系的选育方法. PCT/CN2015/081437 ;优先权号:201510103327.6(国际专利)林强,罗伟,秦耿,张辉贤,张艳红.

12. 一种获得线纹海马杂交优势的育种方法.PCT/CN2015/096490, 133244O420150047 (国际专利)罗伟,林强,秦耿,王信,张艳红,张辉贤.

13. 一种挠足类的室内大池高密度养殖方法. ZL201510350289.4. 王凯,李坤明,洋雯,李敏,吕德亮,林强.




















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