广东省特支计划“科技创新青年拔尖人才” 张跃环副研究员(2016)
张跃环博士 副研究员
1. 2012.07-2016.12:中国科学院南海海洋研究所,助理研究员
2. 2016.12-2017.12:中国科学院南海海洋研究所,项目副研究员
3. 2017.12-至今:中国科学院南海海洋研究所,副研究员
1. 2001-2005:大连海洋大学水产养殖学,本科学士
2. 2005-2008:大连海洋大学水产养殖学,硕士研究生
3. 2009-2012:中国海洋大学水产养殖学,博士研究生
1. 广东省特支计划科技创新青年拔尖人才(2016)
2. 广东省重大优秀科技成果(华南1号牡蛎新品种)(2016)
3. 研究成果入选广东省海洋科技与渔业十大进展(砗磲人工繁育技术)(2017)
15. Yanping Qin, Yuehuan Zhang*, Riguan Mo, Yang Zhang, Jun Li, Yingli Zhou, Haitao Ma, Shu Xiao, Ziniu Yu*. Influence of ploidy and environment on grow-out traits of diploid and triploid Hong Kong oysters Crassostrea hongkongensis in southern China. Aquaculture. 2019, 507: 108-118
14. Yuehuan Zhang, Yanping Qin, Haitao Ma, Zihua Zhou, Shu Xiao, Ying Pan, Jun Li*., Ziniu Yu*. Gametogenesis from the early history life stages of the Kumamoto oyster Crassostrea sikamea and their breeding potential evaluation. Frontiers in Physiology. 2019, 10: 524
13. Xiangwei Wu, Yuehuan Zhang*, Shu Xiao, Yanping Qin, Haitao Ma, Ziniu Yu*. Comparative studies of the growth, survival, and reproduction of diploid and triploid Kumamoto oyster, Crassostrea sikamea. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 2019, 1-12
12. Qin, Y., Zhang, Y*., Ma, H., Wu, X., Xiao, S., Li, J., Yu, Z*. Comparison of the biochemical composition and nutritional quality between diploid and triploid Hong Kong oysters, Crassostrea hongkongensis. Frontiers in physiology. 2018,9:1674
11. Qin, Y., Xiao, S., Ma, H., Mo, R., Zhou, Z., Wu, X., Zhang Y*., Yu, Z*. Effects of salinity and temperature on the timing of germinal vesicle breakdown and polar body release in diploid and triploid Hong Kong oysters, Crassostrea hongkongensis, in relation to tetraploid induction. Aquaculture Research. 2018,49(11):3647-3657
10. 张跃环, 肖述, 李军, 马海涛, 向志明, 张扬, 喻子牛*. 鳞砗磲的人工繁育和早期发生[J]. 水产学报, 40(11): 1713–1723, 2016.
9. Zhang Y, Li J, Zhang Y, Xiao S, Ma H, Xiang Z, Yu Z*. Performance evaluation of reciprocal hybrids derived from the two brackish oysters, Crassostrea hongkongensis and Crassostrea sikamea in Southern China [J]. Aquaculture, 473: 310-316, 2017. (二区Top, IF=2.570).
8. Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Li J, Xiao S, Ma H, Xiang Z, Yu Z*. Artificial interspecific backcrosses between the hybrid of female Crassostrea hongkongensis× male C. gigas and the two parental species [J]. Aquaculture, 450: 95–101, 2016. (二区Top, IF=2.570).
7. Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Wang Z, Yu Z*. Phenotypic traits analysis of diploid and triploid hybrids between female Crassostrea hongkongensis and Crassostrea gigas [J]. Aquaculture, 434: 307–434, 2014. (二区Top, IF=2.570)
6. Zhang Y, Zhang Y., Li J, Xiao S, Wang Z, Yan X, Yu Z*. Phenotypic trait of Crassostrea hongkongensis♀× C. angulata♂ hybrids in southern China [J]. Aquac Res., 47: 3399–3409, 2016
5. Zhang Y, Zhang Y., Li J, Wang Z, Yan X, Yu Z*. Incomplete sterility of hybrids produced by a crosses Crassostrea hongkongensis female x C. gigas male [J]. Aquac Res., 48: 1351–1358, 2017.
4. Zhang Y, Su J, Li J, Zhang Y, Xiao S, Yu Z*. Survival and growth of reciprocal crosses between two stocks of Crassostrea hongkongensis (Lam and Morton, 2003) [J]. Aquac Res., 48: 2344–2354, 2017.
3. Zhang Y, Li J, Qin Y, Zhang Y, Yu Z*. A comparative study of the survival, growth, and gonad development of the diploid and triploid Hong Kong oyster Crassostrea hongkongensis [J]. Aquac Res., 48: 2453–2462, 2017.
2. Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Li J, Yu Z*. Morphological and molecular evidence of natural hybridization between two related cupped oysters in southern China [J]. J Mollus Stud., 83:129–131, 2016.
1. Zhang Y, Wang Z*, Yan X, Yu R, Kong J, Liu J, Guo X*. Laboratory hybridization in two oysters, Crassostrea gigas and C. hongkongensis [J]. J Shellfish Res., 31: 619–625, 2012.
1. 张跃环、肖述、张扬、喻子牛*. 一种华南沿海香港牡蛎室内大规模人工繁育方法.专利号: ZL 201410035539.0
2. 张跃环、肖述、张扬、喻子牛*. 一种华南沿海盐度渐变式熊本牡蛎人工繁育方法.专利号: ZL 201410037056.4
3. 张跃环、肖述、张扬、喻子牛*. 以左壳放射嵴数目为标记的熊本牡蛎制种方法.专利号: ZL 201410153760.6
4. 张跃环、肖述、张扬、李军、喻子牛*. 一种香港牡蛎薄壳新品系的制种方法.专利号: ZL 201410118023.2
5. 张跃环、肖述、张扬、李军、喻子牛*. 一种香港牡蛎耐高盐新品系的制种方法.专利号: ZL 201410117201.X
6. 张跃环、喻子牛*、张扬、肖述. 一种生产香港牡蛎全三倍体时间点定量处理方法.专利号: ZL 201410403580.9
7. 张跃环、苏家齐、肖述、喻子牛*. 一种获取牡蛎属间远缘杂种的方法. 专利号: ZL 201410072688.4
8. 张跃环、喻子牛*、肖述、张扬. 一种固定牡蛎远缘杂种回交优势的育种方法. 专利号: ZL 201310700355.7
9. 张跃环、喻子牛*、肖述、张扬. 一种牡蛎种间核质互换品系的制种方法. 专利号: ZL 201410072660.0
10. 一种双黑壳熊本牡蛎品系的制种方法. 专利号:ZL 2015106707805
11. 一种砗磲人工繁育方法. 专利号:ZL 201610454619.9
12. 张跃环; 喻子牛; 秦艳平; 肖述. 一种香港牡蛎四倍体幼贝的制备方法. 专利号:ZL2017109006280
1. 第二完成人. 2015. “华南1号” 牡蛎新品种. 品种登记号: GS-02-011-2015
2. 第三完成人. 2014. “斑马蛤”菲律宾蛤仔新品种. 品种登记号: GS-01-005-2014
3. 第三完成人. 2016. “白斑马蛤”菲律宾蛤仔新品种. 品种登记号: GS-01-009-2016