近五年来,发表论文37篇,第一或通讯作者19篇包括SCI收录论文18篇[总IF 67.58,一区top 1篇、二区7篇(top 1篇)、封面论文1篇]。
1. Li G, Mai G, Zhang J, Ni G, Shi X, Tan Y, Zou D (2021) Rising pCO2 interacts with algal density to differentially alter photosynthetic responses of Gracilaria lemaneiformis and Ulva conglobata to elevated pCO2. Algal Research, 54:102231.【SCI, IF 4.555】
2. Li G*, Qin Z, Zhang J, Lin Q, Ni G, Tan Y, Zou D (2020) Algal density mediates the photosynthetic responses of a marine macroalga Ulva conglobata (Chlorophyta) to temperature and pH changes. Algal Research, 46:101797.【SCI, IF 4.555】
3. Xiang C, Tan Y*, Zhang H, Liu J, Ke Z, Li G* (2019) The key to dinoflagellate (Noctiluca scintillans) blooming and outcompeting diatoms in winter off Pakistan, northern Arabian Sea. Science of the Total Environment 694:133396【SCI, IF 6.551】
4. Wang H, Zhang B, Song X, Jian X, Tang C, Campbell DA, Li G* (2019) High antioxidant capability interacts with respiration to mediate two Alexandrium species growth exploitation of photoperiods and light intensities. Harmful Algae 82:26-34.【SCI, IF 4.468】
5. Li G, Brown CM, Jeans JA, Donaher NA, McCarthy A, Campbell DA (2015) The nitrogen costs of photosynthesis in a diatom under current and future pCO2. New Phytologist 205(2): 533-543.【SCI,IF 7.299】