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南海海洋生物标本馆 馆长

(海洋浮游生物生态学学科组责任研究员    E-mailtanyh@scsio.ac.cn






阐明了全球变化影响下,浮游生物群落结构对气候事件的响应机制,如ENSO引起夏季黑潮入侵南海加强,固氮蓝藻增加;强降雨和寒潮可能降低固碳效率的资源产出的机制,近海夏季外海水入侵近胶质动物的增加提升了浮游生态系统群落的稳定性,提出了大气沉降的铝在生物地球化学循环中的作用不亚于铁,可以促进固碳,提高海洋碳汇效率。2019年以来获得科技奖励3,发表论文80余篇,其中在Water Res.,Limnol.Oceanogr, JGR-Oceans, Appl. Environ. Microbiol,SCI刊物发表通讯作者论文近40篇,出版专著2部,获做著作权2项。



1996.08-至今 中科院南海海洋研究所


2000.02-2000.08 美国Taxas大学奥斯丁分校访问学者

2010.02--2010.07 美国路易斯安那州立大学访问学者)

2013.5-至今  中国科学院大学 岗位教授



1998.09-2002.12  中国科学院大学 海洋生物 博士



1)   神农中华农业科技奖科学研究类成果三等级奖,中华人民共和国农业部,2021

2)   农业部水产科学院科技进步二等奖,农业部中国水产科学院,2020.12

3)  海洋科学与工程技术二等奖,2021




1)   Phytoplankton Communities Miniaturization Driven by Extreme Weather in Subtropical Estuary under Climate Changes, Water Res.2023.120588

2)   Aluminum increases net carbon fixation by marine diatoms and decreases their decomposition: Evidence for the iron–aluminum hypothesis, Limnol Oceanogr,2021,1-16.

3)    Phytoplankton community patterns in the northeastern South China Sea: Implications of intensified Kuroshio intrusion during the 2015/16 El Niño. JGR: Oceans, (2022).127, e2021JC017998.

4)    Labyrinthulomycetes thrives in organic matter-rich waters with ecological partitioning in the Pearl River EstuaryAppl. Environ. Microbiol, 2024.

5)    Coral reef ecological pump for gathering and retaining nutrients and exporting carbon: a review and perspectives. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 202342(6): 1–15,封面论文

6)   Dissolved organic phosphorus promotes Cyclotella growth and adaptability in eutrophic tropical estuaries, Appl. Environ. Microbiol, 2023.

7)    Aluminum-induced changes in the net carbon fixation and carbon decomposition of a nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium erythraeum, Biogeochemistry, 2023.165:277-290.

8)     Nitrogen fixation under the interaction of Kuroshio and upwelling in the northeastern South China Sea, Deep-Sea Research Part I. 2023 (200) 104147,封面

9)     Role of jellyfish in mesozooplankton community stability in a subtropical bay under the long-term impacts of temperature changesSci. Total. Environ849 (2022) 157627. .

10)    Spatial distributions of zooplankton stable isotopes and their trophic positions in a bay under serious anthropogenic influences: Daya Bay, China .Ecological Indicators2022, 139, 108950..

11)    A preliminary study of macrofaunal communities and their carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in the Haima cold seeps, South China Sea, Deep Sea Research Part I: 184, 2022, 103774.

12)    Distribution Patterns of Ciliate Diversity in the South China Sea, Frontiers in Microbiology,2021, 689688, IF=4.235,.

13)    Phosphorus deficiency induced by aluminum in a marine nitrogenfixing cyanobacterium Crocosphaera watsonii WH0003, Chemosphere, 2020, 246:125641.

14)    Xi Yang, Yehui Tan, Kaizhi Li, Huangchen Zhang, Jiaxing Liu, Chenhui Xiang, Long-term changes in summer phytoplankton communities and their influencing factors in Daya Bay, China (1991–2017), Marine Pollution Bulletin 2020, 161 , 111694.

15)    The effects of anthropogenic nutrient inputs on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in suspended particulate organic matter in Jiaozhou Bay, China. Continental Shelf Research, 2020208, 104244

16)    The key to dinoflagellate (Noctiluca scintillans) blooming and outcompeting diatoms in winter off Pakistan, northern Arabian Sea, Science of the Total Environment,2019,694133396.

17)    Bacterioplankton metacommunity processes across thermal gradients: weaker species sorting but stronger niche segregation in summer than in winter in a subtropical bay, Appl Environ Microbiol, 2019,.02088-18.

18)    Synechococcus bloom in the Pearl River Estuary and adjacent coastal area–With special focus on flooding during wet seasons, Science of the Total Environment,2019,692769-783.

19)    Utilization of different dissolved organic phosphorus sources by Symbiodinium voratum in vitro, FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 2019,95(11)fiz150.

20)    Significantly depleted 15N in suspended particulate organic matter indicating a strong influence of sewage loading in Daya Bay, China, Science of the Total Environment,2019,650759-768.

21)    海洋浮游被囊类暴发机制及碳泵效应,热带海洋,2023.



担任国科大研究生课程《高级海洋生物学》教学,2001年获得校级优秀课程,累计指导博士生12名,硕士研究生13名。指导研究生Water Res.,Limnol.Oceanogr, JGR-Oceans, Appl. Environ. Microbiol, Sci. Total. Environ等顶级SCI刊物发表学术论文,对本专业有浓厚兴趣,毕业后全部在高校、研究所等科研事业单位从事专业相关的工作。

Copyright    中国科学院热带海洋生物资源与生态重点实验室    版权所有
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电话:020-89023101  传真:86-20-84451672  Email:liujuan@scsio.ac.cn