
国家优秀青年基金获得者 张黎研究员(2019)


时间:2020-04-05  作者:LMB  来源:文本大小:【 |  | 】  【打印


(海洋重金属生态毒理学学科组责任研究员 zhangli @scsio.ac.cn



1. 海洋生物对重金属的累积、转化与传递作用

2. 海洋鱼类对重金属等污染物的生理生态学响应

3. 重金属在海洋生态系统中的生物累积与生物地球化学 










2007-2011 加拿大麦克马斯特,博士后




1. 国家优秀青年科学基金获得者(2020

2. 广东特支计划百千万工程青年拔尖人才2014



1. 中国动物学会动物生理生态学分会委员会委员(2018-2022

2. 中国环境科学学会海洋生态安全专业委员会委员(2019-2023


4. Environmental toxicology and Chemistry编委(Editorial Board)(2016-至今)




26. Yang Liu, Peng Zhang, Sen Du, Zhuoru Lin, Yanyan Zhou, Lizhao Chen, Rencheng Yu *, Li Zhang* Occurrence and distribution of lipophilic phycotoxins in a subtropical bay of the South China Sea. Chemosphere 2019, 243, 125-325

25. Lizhao Chen, Dongdong Song, Wei Zhang, Canchuan Zhang, Li Zhang* The dynamic changes of arsenic bioaccumulation and antioxidant responses in the marine medaka Oryzias melastigma during chronic exposure. Aquatic Toxicology 2019, 212, 110–119

24. Yang Liu, Peng Zhang, Sen Du, Zhuoru Lin, Yanyan Zhou, Lizhao Chen, Rencheng Yu *, Li Zhang* Sediment as a Potential Pool for Lipophilic Marine Phycotoxins with the Case Study of Daya Bay of China. Marine Drugs 2019, 17, 623

23. Zhiqiang Guo+, Zhixin Ni+, Hengzhen Ye, Juan Xiao, Lizhao Chen, Iain Greend, Li Zhang* Simultaneous uptake of Cd from sediment, water and diet in a demersal marine goby Mugilogobius chulae. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2019, 364, 143–150

22. Yun Wu, Yue Yuan, Hezhong Yuan, Wei Zhang, Li Zhang* Predicting cadmium toxicity with the kinetics of phytochelatin induction in a marine diatom. Aquatic Toxicology 2019, 207, 101–109

21. Wei Zhang, Zhiqiang Guo, Yun Wu, Yanlong Qiao, Li Zhang* Arsenic bioaccumulation and biotransformation in clams (Asaphis violascens) exposed to inorganic arsenic: effects of species and concentrations. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2019, 103, 114-119

20. Zhiqiang Guo, Hengzhen Ye, Juan Xiao, Christer Hogstrand, and Li Zhang* Biokinetic modeling of Cd bioaccumulation from water, diet and sediment in a marine benthic goby: a triple stable isotope tracing technique. Environmental Science and Technology. 2018,52,8429-8437

19. Wei Zhang, Zhiqiang Guo, Dongdong Song, Sen Du, Li Zhang* Arsenic speciation in wild marine organisms and a health risk assessment in a subtropical bay of China.. Science of the Total Environment 2018,626,621-629

18. Lizhao Chen+, Wei Zhang+, Zhiqiang Guo, Li Zhang* Effects of acclimation on arsenic bioaccumulation and biotransformation in freshwater medaka Oryzias mekongensis after chronic arsenic exposure. Environmental Pollution 2018,238,17-25

17. Yanyan Zhou, Fangsan Wei, Wei Zhang, Zhiqiang Guo, Li Zhang* Copper bioaccumulation and biokinetic modeling in marine herbivorous fish Siganus oramin. Aquatic Toxicology 2018,196,61-69

16. Limei Zhu, Na Gao, Ruifang Wang, Li Zhang* Proteomic and metabolomic analysis of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) after acute ammonia exposure. Ecotoxicology 2018,27,267-277

15. Gao N, Zhu L, Guo Z, Yi M*, Zhang L*, 2017. Effects of chronic ammonia exposure on ammonia metabolism and excretion in marine medaka Oryzias melastigma. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 65: 226-234.

14. Guo Z, Gao N, Wu Y, Zhang L*,2017. The simultaneous uptake of dietary and waterborne Cd in gastrointestinal tracts of marine yellowstripe goby Mugilogobius chulae. Environmental Pollution 223: 31-41.

13. Zhou Y, Zhang W, Guo Z, Zhang L*, 2017. Effects of salinity and copper co-exposure on copper bioaccumulation in marine rabbitfish Siganus oramin. Chemosphere 168: 491–500.

12. Wu Y, Guo Z, Zhang W, Tan Q, Zhang L*, Ge X, Chen M, 2016. Quantitative relationship between cadmium uptake and the kinetics of phytochelatin induction by cadmium in a marine diatom. Scietific Reports 6: 35935.

11. Zhang W, Guo Z, Zhou Y, Chen L, Zhang L*, 2016. Comparative contribution of trophic transfer and biotransformation on arsenobetaine bioaccumulation in two marine fish. Aquatic Toxicology 179: 65-71.

10. Jia P, Jia K, Chen L, Le Y, Jin Y, Zhang J, Zhu L, Zhang L*, Yi M*, 2016. Identification and characterization of the melanoma differentiation - associated gene 5 in sea perch, Lateolabrax japonicus. Dev Comp Immunol 61:161-168.

9. Zhang W, Wang WX, Zhang L*, 2016. Comparison of bioavailability and biotransformation of inorganic and organic arsenic to two marine fish. Environ Sci Technol 50: 2413-2423.

8. Zhang W, Chen L, Zhou Y, Wu Y, Zhang L*, 2016. Biotransformation of inorganic arsenic in a marine herbivorous fish Siganus fuscescens after dietborne exposure. Chemosphere 147: 297-304.

7. Guo Z, Zhang W, Du S, Zhou Y, Gao N, Zhang L*, Green I, 2016. Feeding reduces waterborne Cu bioaccumulation in a marine rabbitfish Siganus oramin. Environ Pollut 208: 580-589.

6. Guo Z, Zhang W, Du S, Green I, Tan Q, Zhang L*, 2016. Developmental patterns of copper bioaccumulation in a marine fish model Oryzias melastigma. Aquat Toxicol 170: 216-222.

5. Guo Z, Zhang W, Zhou Y, Gao N, Zhang L*, 2015. Feeding ratio and frequency affects cadmium bioaccumulation in black sea bream Acanthopagrus schlegeli. Aquacul Environ Inter 7: 135-145.

4. Zhang L, Nawata CM, De Boeck G, Wood, CM*, 2015. Rh protein expression in branchial neuroepithelial cells, and the role of ammonia in ventilatory control in fish. Comp Biochem Physiol A 186: 39-51.

3. Zhang W, Guo Z, Zhou Y, Liu H, Zhang L*, 2015. Biotransformation and detoxification of inorganic arsenic in Bombay oyster Saccostrea cucullata. Aquat Toxicol 158: 33-40.

2. Zhang W, Wang WX, Zhang L*, 2013. Arsenic speciation and spatial and interspecies differences of metal concentrations in mollusks and crustaceans from a South China estuary. Ecotoxicology 22: 671-682.

1. Zhang L*, Nawata CM, Wood CM, 2013. Sensitivity of ventilation and brain metabolism to ammonia exposure in rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. J Exp Biol 216: 4025-4037.










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